M’ck McKeague | 2019-2023
Practice Research | Reflection | Advocacy
What is a ‘trans’ approach to scenography? How does the lived experience of non-binary genders influence design processes? Join us to discuss these questions and more as we share examples of projects and conceptual approaches to transness in performance. This panel will offer provocations on how ‘transness’ shapes ideas and practices in performance making. Using selected examples from our own work, we will introduce methods employed by gender non-conforming artists to stage feelings of transness.
Trans/Nonbinary Scenographics is an ongoing practice research, reflection and advocacy project, begun by M’ck McKeague for PQTalks at Prague Quadrennial in 2019, joined by cultural scenographer Dr Rachel Hann in 2022 and fellow trans scenographer Nic Farr in 2023. In 2019 this work was supported by a Career Development Grant from the Australia Council for the Arts and in 2022-2023 this work was supported by a Brisbane.City Council Lord Mayor’s Fellowship.
Presented by Prague Quadrennial 2019, World Stage Design 2022, Prague Quadrennial 2023 and Metro Arts x Brisbane Art Design 2023
Proudly supported by Brisbane City Council (WSD22 and BAD23) and Australia Council for the Arts (PQ 2019)
The Lord Mayor’s Fellowship is an initiative of Brisbane City Council.